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Globally Exponential Stability of Neural Networks with Impulses and Distributed Delays.

, , , , and . WGEC, page 472-475. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)

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Uniformly Stability of Impulsive BAM Neural Networks with Delays., , , and . ISDA (1), page 23-27. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Global Stability of Neural Networks with Delays and Impulses., , , , , , and . ISNN (1), volume 5551 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 455-462. Springer, (2009)Statistical Methods based on Semantic Similarity of Topics Related to Microblogging., , and . J. Softw., 8 (1): 192-199 (2013)Oscillations of higher order nonlinear functional differential equations with impulses., , and . Appl. Math. Comput., 190 (1): 370-381 (2007)Stability of Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Delays., , , , and . ISNN (1), volume 6063 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 554-560. Springer, (2010)Globally Exponential Stability of Neural Networks with Impulses and Distributed Delays., , , , and . WGEC, page 472-475. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Exponential Stability of Impulsive Neural Networks with Distributed Delays., , , , and . WGEC, page 480-483. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Exponential stability of BAM type Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with variable delays and impulsive on time scales., , , and . IWACI, page 6-10. IEEE, (2010)Globally Exponential Stability of a Class of Neural Networks with Impulses and Variable Delays., , , , and . ISNN (1), volume 6063 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 711-718. Springer, (2010)Global Exponential Stability of BAM Type Cohen-Grossberg Neural Network with Delays on Time Scales., , , and . ISNN (1), volume 6063 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 595-602. Springer, (2010)