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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Switchboard: a matchmaking system for multiplayer mobile games., , , , und . MobiSys, Seite 71-84. ACM, (2011)Procrastinator: pacing mobile apps' usage of the network., , , und . MobiSys, Seite 232-244. ACM, (2014)Video: Procrastinator: pacing mobile apps' usage of the network., , , und . MobiSys, Seite 390. ACM, (2014)Estimation of Link Interference in Static Multi-hop Wireless Networks., , , , , und . Internet Measurement Conference, Seite 305-310. USENIX Association, (2005)Measuring the Shared Fate of IGP Engineering and Interdomain Traffic., , und . ICNP, Seite 236-245. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Barometric phone sensors: more hype than hope!, , , , und . HotMobile, Seite 12:1-12:6. ACM, (2014)Measurement and Estimation of Network QoS Among Peer Xbox 360 Game Players., , , und . PAM, Volume 4979 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 41-50. Springer, (2008)Investigating the concentration of High Yield Investment Programs in the United Kingdom., und . EuroS&P Workshops, Seite 105-116. IEEE, (2022)Old MacDonald had a smart farm: Building a testbed to study cybersecurity in smart dairy farming., , und . CSET @ USENIX Security Symposium, Seite 1-9. ACM, (2022)Matchmaking for online games and other latency-sensitive P2P systems., und . SIGCOMM, Seite 315-326. ACM, (2009)