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Modeling of a greenhouse using Particle Swarm Optimization., , and . CCE, page 268-273. IEEE, (2013)Observability in interpreted Petri nets using sequence invariants., , and . CDC, page 3602-3607. IEEE, (2002)Leak isolation based on Extended Kalman Filter in a plastic pipeline under temperature variations with real-data validation., , and . MED, page 316-321. IEEE, (2015)Modeling of a greenhouse prototype using PSO algorithm based on a LabViewTM application., , and . CCE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2014)T-S scheme for trajectory tracking of an underactuated robot., , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 798-803. IEEE, (2000)State estimation in DES modeled by a class of interpreted Petri nets., , and . ISIC, page 574-579. IEEE, (2002)Closed-loop structure of decouplable linear multivariable systems., , and . Kybernetika, 41 (1): 33-45 (2005)Calibration of Fitting Loss Coefficients for modelling purpose of a plastic pipeline., , and . ETFA, page 1-6. IEEE, (2011)About friction modeling for observer-based leak estimation in pipelines., , , , and . CDC/ECC, page 4413-4418. IEEE, (2011)Automatic Lighting Control and IoT Monitoring on an Indoor-Greenhouse., and . CASE, page 1232-1237. IEEE, (2022)