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MFTCFNet: infrared and visible image fusion network based on multi-layer feature tightly coupled., , , , , and . Signal Image Video Process., 18 (11): 8217-8228 (November 2024)Semantic labeling of soccer video, , , and . In Proceedings of IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM), page 1787--1791. (2003)Laser-Based Mobile Robot Map Building., , and . ICFCE, volume 133 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, page 1085-1091. Springer, (2011)Based on e-Business technology to construct logistics information service platform of renewable resources - - Taking Nanning city as an example., , , and . WHICEB, page 66. Association for Information Systems, (2013)Finging Near-Optimal Build Orientations for Shape Deposition Manufacturing., , and . SSM, volume 146 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 208-216. Kluwer, (1998)Building pair-wise visual word tree for efficent image re-ranking., , , , and . ICASSP, page 794-797. IEEE, (2010)Salient target detection in hyperspectral images using spectral saliency., , , , and . ChinaSIP, page 1086-1090. IEEE, (2015)Building descriptive and discriminative visual codebook for large-scale image applications., , , , , and . Multimedia Tools Appl., 51 (2): 441-477 (2011)Personalized multimedia retrieval: the new trend?, and . Multimedia Information Retrieval, page 299-306. ACM, (2007)Automatic replay generation for soccer video broadcasting., , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 32-39. ACM, (2004)