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The CAPIO 2017 Conversational Speech Recognition System., , , and . CoRR, (2018)Out-of-domain detection based on confidence measures from multiple topic classification., , , and . ICASSP (1), page 757-760. IEEE, (2004)Verification of Speech Recognition Results Incorporating In-domain Confidence and Discourse Coherence Measures., and . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 89-D (3): 931-938 (2006)Audio-visual TED corpus: enhancing the TED-LIUM corpus with facial information, contextual text and object recognition., , , , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 468-473. ACM, (2019)Unsupervised Vocabulary Selection for Domain-Independent Simultaneous Lecture Translation., , and . MTSummit, (2011)End-to-End Speech Recognition with Auditory Attention for Multi-Microphone Distance Speech Recognition., and . INTERSPEECH, page 3867-3871. ISCA, (2017)On Online Attention-Based Speech Recognition and Joint Mandarin Character-Pinyin Training., and . INTERSPEECH, page 3404-3408. ISCA, (2016)Class-based statistical machine translation for field maintainable speech-to-speech translation., and . INTERSPEECH, page 2362-2365. ISCA, (2008)Online Incremental Learning for Speaker-Adaptive Language Models., , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 3363-3367. ISCA, (2018)Machine Translation with Binary Feedback: a Large-Margin Approach., , and . AMTA, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, (2020)