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Functional Graph Algorithms with Depth-First Search (Preliminary Summary)., и . Functional Programming, стр. 145-155. Springer, (1993)Functional programming and graph algorithms.. University of Glasgow, UK, (1996)British Library, EThOS.Evaluating high-level distributed language constructs., , и . ICFP, стр. 203-212. ACM, (2007)Are High-Level Languages Suitable for Robust Telecoms Software?., , и . SAFECOMP, том 3688 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 275-288. Springer, (2005)Combining Monads., и . Functional Programming, стр. 134-143. Springer, (1992)Combining Monads, и . Proc. Functional Programming, (1993)A Strategic Profiler for Glasgow Parallel Haskell., , и . IFL, том 1595 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 88-102. Springer, (1998)Functional Binomial Queues.. Functional Programming, стр. 141-150. Springer, (1994)An operational semantics for parallel lazy evaluation., , и . ICFP, стр. 162-173. ACM, (2000)SIGPLAN Notices 35(9), September 2000.An Industrial use of FP: A Tool for Generating Test Scripts from System Specifications., , и . Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, том 1 из Trends in Functional Programming, стр. 126-134. Intellect, (1999)