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Band structure analysis for 2D acoustic phononic structure using isogeometric boundary element method., , , , , и . Adv. Eng. Softw., (2020)Integration of 3D Gaussian Splatting and Neural Radiance Fields in Virtual Reality Fire Fighting., , , , , и . Remote. Sens., 16 (13): 2448 (июля 2024)A weighted integration method based on graph representation learning for drug repositioning., , , , , и . Appl. Soft Comput., (2024)Isogeometric dual reciprocity BEM for solving time-domain acoustic wave problems., , , , и . Comput. Math. Appl., (2024)Uncertainty quantification of mechanical property of piezoelectric materials based on isogeometric stochastic FEM with generalized nth-order perturbation., , , , , и . Eng. Comput., 40 (1): 257-277 (февраля 2024)Bayesian uncertainty analysis for underwater 3D reconstruction with neural radiance fields., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2024)Broadband topology optimization of three-dimensional structural-acoustic interaction with reduced order isogeometric FEM/BEM., , , , , и . J. Comput. Phys., (2024)Uncertainty analysis in acoustics: perturbation methods and isogeometric boundary element methods., , , , , , и . Eng. Comput., 40 (6): 3875-3900 (декабря 2024)