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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Objects: CADDIE (Content Automated Design and Development Integrated Editor)., , und . DMS, Seite 349-354. Knowledge Systems Institute, (2008)Un'applicazione di e-government per la gestione di gare d'appalto nella Pubblica Amministrazione., , und . WOA, Seite 62-68. Pitagora Editrice Bologna, (2004)AgentService in a Hand., , , und . WOA, Seite 19-27. Seneca Edizioni Torino, (2008)Managing a software project leveraging students' cooperation: on the road to Eclipse (OTRE) experience., , und . PROFES Workshops, Seite 96-100. ACM, (2011)Talking in Italian About AI with a Chatbot: A Prototype of a Question-Answering Agent., , , und . IDEAL (2), Volume 12490 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 356-367. Springer, (2020)A task allocation middleware targeting an RFID-enhanced environment., , , und . RFID-TA, Seite 313-318. IEEE, (2011)A framework for the delivery of contents in RFID-driven smart environments., , und . RFID-TA, Seite 45-49. IEEE, (2011)Design and implementation of a user friendly environment for Learning Objects creation., , und . Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society, Volume 281 von IFIP, Seite 89-92. Springer, (2008)Teaching Computer Programming in a Platform as a Service Environment., , , und . DMS, Seite 300-306. Knowledge Systems Institute, (2015)Enforcing Team Cooperation: an example of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Software Engineering., , und . DMS, Seite 189-192. Knowledge Systems Institute, (2010)