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Lazy and Differential Replication in a Recoverable Distributed Shared Memory System.

, and . HPCN Europe, volume 1401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 698-707. Springer, (1998)

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Pointer delegation for group collaboration using telepointers.. CHI Extended Abstracts, page 2603-2608. ACM, (2007)Automatic adjustments for efficient and precise positioning and release of virtual objects.. VRCIA, page 121-128. ACM, (2006)Classification of solid textures using 3D mask patterns., , , and . SMC (7), page 6342-6347. IEEE, (2004)3D video conference toolkit adaptable to various presentation environments., , , and . Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, page 213-219. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2004)A Three-dimensional Authoring/Presentation System for Immersive Virtual Environments: Poster3D., and . IV, page 785-791. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)A Multiple-Focus Graph Browsing Technique Using Heat Models and Force-Directed Layout.. IV, page 277-284. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Two-Handed and One-Handed Techniques for Precise and Efficient Manipulation in Immersive Virtual Environments.. ISVC (1), volume 5358 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 987-997. Springer, (2008)Indoor localization based on analysis of environmental ultrasound., , and . IPIN (Short Papers/Work-in-Progress Papers), volume 2498 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 423-430., (2019)Three Dimensional Animation of Web Access Behavior Using Indirect Mapping., , and . IV, page 502-509. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Eye Mark Pointer in Immersive Projection Display., , , , , , and . VR, page 125-. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)