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Other publications of authors with the same name

Tailored Security: Building Non-Repudiable Security Service Level Agreements, , , , , , and . IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, (2013)Applicability of Host Identities in Securing Network Attachment and Ensuring Service Accountability.. University of Tampere, Finland, (2011) ( On-Line Validation of Web Services., , , and . ELPUB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, (2002)Accountable security mechanism based on security service level agreement., , , , , , and . ISCC, page 404-410. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Security and Accounting Enhancements for Roaming in IMS.. WWIC, volume 5031 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 127-138. Springer, (2008)Security and User Guidelines for the Design of the Future Networked Systems., , and . ICDS, page 13-19. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Identity-bound accounting., and . CNSM, page 382-385. IEEE, (2010)Privacy-enhanced personalisation in ambient environments., , , , and . PIMRC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2008)Delayed Key Exchange for Constrained Smart Devices., , , and . ADHOC-NOW Workshops, volume 8629 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 12-26. Springer, (2014)An Architecture to Facilitate Membership and Service Management in Trusted Communities., and . CASoN, page 113-118. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)