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Nonlinear vectorial interpolation for speaker recognition., и . ICASSP, стр. 173-176. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Internal Language Model Training for Domain-Adaptive End-To-End Speech Recognition., , , , , , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 7338-7342. IEEE, (2021)Hidden Markov Model Diarisation with Speaker Location Information., , и . ICASSP, стр. 7158-7162. IEEE, (2021)Have Best of Both Worlds: Two-Pass Hybrid and E2E Cascading Framework for Speech Recognition., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 7432-7436. IEEE, (2022)Speaker Separation Using Speaker Inventories and Estimated Speech., , , , и . IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., (2021)Base transformation for environment adaptation in continuous speech recognition.. EUROSPEECH, стр. 2227-2230. ISCA, (1993)A study on continuous Chinese speech recognition based on stochastic trajectory models., , , , и . ICSLP, стр. 482-485. ISCA, (1996)On Addressing Practical Challenges for RNN-Transducer., , , , , и . ASRU, стр. 526-533. IEEE, (2021)Multi-Channel Overlapped Speech Recognition with Location Guided Speech Extraction Network., , , , , и . SLT, стр. 558-565. IEEE, (2018)Improving wideband speech recognition using mixed-bandwidth training data in CD-DNN-HMM., , , и . SLT, стр. 131-136. IEEE, (2012)