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Multifluid finite volume Navier-Stokes solutions for realistic fluid animation., and . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 259. ACM, (1999)A High Resolution Finite Volume Method for Efficient Parallel Simulation of Casting Processes on Unstructured Meshes., , , and . PPSC, SIAM, (1997)JTpack90: A Parallel, Object-Based, Fortran 90 Linear Algebra Package., , and . PPSC, SIAM, (1997)Towards a legged chip., , and . ISCAS, page 2501-2504. IEEE, (2011)Real-World Experiences Adopting Workflows at Exascale on the ExaAM Project., , , , , and . e-Science, page 468-474. IEEE, (2022)PGSLiv: A Library for Portable, Parallel, Unstructured Mesh Simulations., , and . PPSC, SIAM, (1997)The Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA): Design and architecture☆., , , , , , , and . J. Comput. Phys., (2016)Accelerated application development: The ORNL Titan experience., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). Comput. Electr. Eng., (2015)Transforming the Organization: Reengineering Business Processes with Information Technology., and . ICIS, page 299-300. Association for Information Systems, (1992)Safer Batteries through Coupled Multiscale Modeling., , , , , , , , and . ICCS, volume 51 of Procedia Computer Science, page 1168-1177. Elsevier, (2015)