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Kernel-based data fusion improves the drug-protein interaction prediction., , , и . Comput. Biol. Chem., 35 (6): 353-362 (2011)Investigations on smart card-based secure protocols for autenticated key establishment in Digital pay-TV systems., , , и . IEEE ICCI, стр. 538-541. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Random Sampling Algorithms for Landmark Windows over Data Streams., , , , и . ICEIS (1), стр. 103-107. (2006)Document Clustering using Compound Words., и . IC-AI, стр. 307-313. CSREA Press, (2005)An Agile Protocol for E-Commerce., и . ICEB, стр. 393-396. Academic Publishers/World Publishing Corporation, (2004)Kinetic studies of methanol steam reforming over Pd/ZnO catalyst using a microchannel reactor, , , , и . Applied Catalysis A: General, 262 (1): 19-29 (2004/5/10 2004)TY - JOUR.Factor income taxation and growth under asymmetric information, и . Journal of Public Economics, 91 (3-4): 775--789 (апреля 2007)Generalized time-frequency distributions for multicomponent polynomial phase signals, и . Signal Processing, 88 (4): 984--1001 (апреля 2008)Inducing human capital formation: migration as a substitute for subsidies, и . Journal of Public Economics, 86 (1): 29--46 (октября 2002)Adaptive Image Restoration Based on the Genetic Algorithm and Kalman Filtering., , , и . ICIC (3), том 2 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 742-750. Springer, (2007)