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BGP beacons., , , и . Internet Measurement Conference, стр. 1-14. ACM, (2003)RPKI Time-of-Flight: Tracking Delays in the Management, Control, and Data Planes., , , , и . PAM, том 13882 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 429-457. Springer, (2023)Testing the reachability of (new) address space., , , , и . INM@SIGCOMM, стр. 236-241. ACM, (2007)iSPY: Detecting IP Prefix Hijacking on My Own., , , , и . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 18 (6): 1815-1828 (2010)Rasch Analysis of HTTPS Reachability., , , , и . Networking, стр. 1-9. IFIP, (2018)Avoiding Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) Containing Multiple IP Prefixes., , , , и . RFC, (августа 2023)What do parrots and BGP routers have in common?, , , и . Comput. Commun. Rev., 46 (3): 2:1-2:6 (2016)Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for BGP Anomaly Detection using Graph Features., , , и . Big-DAMA@CoNEXT, стр. 35-41. ACM, (2019)HAIR: hierarchical architecture for internet routing., , , , и . ReArch@CoNEXT, стр. 43-48. ACM, (2009)The Japan earthquake: the impact on traffic and routing observed by a local ISP., , , и . SWID@CoNEXT, стр. 2:1-2:8. ACM, (2011)