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Privacy-Preserving Inference in Machine Learning Services Using Trusted Execution Environments., , , , и . CoRR, (2019)Elastic-Cache: GPU Cache Architecture for Efficient Fine- and Coarse-Grained Cache-Line Management., , , и . IPDPS, стр. 82-91. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Docker characterization on high performance SSDs., , , , , и . ISPASS, стр. 133-134. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Analyzing the effects of compiler optimizations on application reliability., , и . IISWC, стр. 184-193. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Benchmarking ISA reliability to intermittent errors., , , и . IISWC, стр. 86-87. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)An efficient sequential consistency implementation with dynamic race detection for GPUs., и . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., (мая 2024)DarKnight: An Accelerated Framework for Privacy and Integrity Preserving Deep Learning Using Trusted Hardware., , и . CoRR, (2022)PageORAM: An Efficient DRAM Page Aware ORAM Strategy., , и . MICRO, стр. 91-107. IEEE, (2022)Adaptive Verifiable Coded Computing: Towards Fast, Secure and Private Distributed Machine Learning., , , , , и . IPDPS, стр. 628-638. IEEE, (2022)Tactical Jupiter: Dynamic Scheduling of Dispersed Computations in Tactical MANETs., , , , , , , и . MILCOM, стр. 102-107. IEEE, (2021)