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Frontiers of Game Theory, и . The MIT Press, (1993)Exchange rates and oligopoly, , , и . European Economic Review, 43 (3): 621--648 (марта 1999)Economic research in Europe, и . European Economic Review, 38 (3-4): 505--522 (апреля 1994)Long Memory in Economics. Springer, 1 издание, (сентября 2006)Reflections on interaction and markets. Quantitative Finance, 2 (5): 322--326 (2002)Marginal contribution, reciprocity and equity in segregated groups: Bounded rationality and self-organization in social networks, , , и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31 (6): 2085--2107 (июня 2007)Testing for bubbles and change-points, и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29 (4): 765--799 (апреля 2005)An agent-based model for sequential Dutch auctions., , и . WSC, стр. 1707-1718. IEEE, (2013)Nonclassical demand : A model-free examination of price-quantity relations in the Marseille fish market, и . Journal of Econometrics, 67 (1): 227--257 (мая 1995)Ants, Rationality, and Recruitment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108 (1): 137--156 (01.02.1993)