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ATM Network Simulation Support for TMN Systems., , , , , и . IS&N, том 998 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 146-158. Springer, (1995)What Makes Code Hard to Understand?, , и . (26.04.2013)Evaluation of Output Traffic from an ATM-Node, , и . стр. 533-537. (1991)CubeSat-Based Lunar Map Refinement Utilizing Surface Beacons and a Monocular Camera., , , и . PLANS, стр. 1536-1546. IEEE, (2020)Usability of PETSIRD, the PET Raw Data open format of the Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI): results from ETSIs first hackathon, , , , , , , , , и 21 other автор(ы). Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 65 (supplement 2): 241285--241285 (2024)Linear Covariance Navigation Analysis of Range and Image Measurement Processing for Autonomous Lunar Lander Missions., , и . PLANS, стр. 1524-1535. IEEE, (2020)Generation of ERP Systems from REA Specifications., , и . ICSOFT (ISDM/ABF), стр. 12-19. INSTICC Press, (2008)Generating web-based systems from specifications., , и . SAC, стр. 1647-1653. ACM, (2004)Efficient Hyperelastic Regularization for Registration., , , и . SCIA, том 6688 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 295-305. Springer, (2011)Semantics and Completeness of Duration Calculus., и . REX Workshop, том 600 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 209-225. Springer, (1991)