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Subcortical processes of motor response inhibition during a stop signal task.

, , , and . NeuroImage, 41 (4): 1352-1363 (2008)

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Subcortical processes of motor response inhibition during a stop signal task., , , and . NeuroImage, 41 (4): 1352-1363 (2008)Automatic subcortical tissue segmentation of MR images using optimum-path forest clustering., , , and . ICIP, page 2653-2656. IEEE, (2011)Greater activation of the "default" brain regions predicts stop signal errors., , , and . NeuroImage, 38 (3): 640-648 (2007)Decreased saliency processing as a neural measure of Barratt impulsivity in healthy adults., , , and . NeuroImage, 63 (3): 1070-1077 (2012)Sleep dysfunction mediates the relationship between hypothalamic-insula connectivity and anxiety-depression symptom severity bidirectionally in young adults., , , , , , and . NeuroImage, (October 2023)Multi-view cluster analysis with incomplete data to understand treatment effects., , , , , , and . Inf. Sci., (2019)Gender differences in the neural correlates of response inhibition during a stop signal task., , , and . NeuroImage, 32 (4): 1918-1929 (2006)Age-related reduction in trait anxiety: Behavioral and neural evidence of automaticity in negative facial emotion processing., , , , , and . NeuroImage, (August 2023)Perigenual anterior cingulate event-related potential precedes stop signal errors., , , and . NeuroImage, (2015)Dynamic functional connectivity during task performance and rest predicts individual differences in attention across studies., , , , , , , and . NeuroImage, (2019)