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Functional Hybrid Modeling from an Object-Oriented Perspective., , и . EOOLT, том 24 из Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, стр. 71-87. Linköping University Electronic Press, (2007)Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming, , , и . том 2638 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159--187. Springer, Berlin, (2003)Tracing Piece by Piece: Affordable Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages.. ICFP, стр. 36-47. ACM, (1999)SIGPLAN Notices 34(9), September 1999.Towards a framework for the implementation and verification of translations between argumentation models., и . IFL, стр. 93. ACM, (2013)Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming., , , и . Advanced Functional Programming, том 2638 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159-187. Springer, (2002)Modeling and simulation of large-scale systems: A systematic comparison of modeling paradigms., , , , и . Appl. Math. Comput., (2020)Dronar: Obstacle Echolocation Using Drone Ego-Noise., , , и . ICASSP Workshops, стр. 184-188. IEEE, (2024)Declarative Game Programming: Distilled Tutorial., и . PPDP, стр. 159-160. ACM, (2014)Functional reactive programming, refactored., , и . Haskell, стр. 33-44. ACM, (2016)Runtime verification and validation of functional reactive systems., и . J. Funct. Program., (2020)