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Special Matrices Computations.. CSC, стр. 388-394. CSREA Press, (2008)Study of explosives detected system based on molecularly imprinted piezoelectric sensor., , , и . BMEI, стр. 828-831. IEEE, (2011)IBM research in China.. Interactions, 13 (2): 20-21 (2006)From offline to online: connecting people with a mobile social networking application at a conference., , , и . CCHI, стр. 40-49. ACM, (2014)The role of design in Ubicomp research and practice., , , , и . UbiComp, стр. 629-630. ACM, (2011)Elaborately Tuning Intramolecular Electron Transfer Through Varying Oligoacene Linkers in the Bis (diarylamino) Systems, , , , , , и . Scientific Reports, (2016)Two-level energy management strategy for a fuel cell-battery-ultracapacitor hybrid system., , и . IECON, стр. 2135-2140. IEEE, (2016)Equivalent series resistance-based real-time control for a battery-ultracapacitor hybrid system., , , и . IECON, стр. 1849-1854. IEEE, (2015)Force modeling of inhomogeneous material using unsupervised learning and model identification., и . ROBIO, стр. 1319-1324. IEEE, (2008)A decentralized charging control of a multiple-receiver wireless power transfer system using ultracapacitor semi-active topology., , , и . ISIE, стр. 262-267. IEEE, (2016)