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Facial Landmarks Localization Based on Fuzzy and Gabor Wavelet Graph Matching., и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 683-686. IEEE, (2001)Facial feature localization and adaptation of a generic face model for model-based coding., , , и . Signal Process. Image Commun., 7 (1): 57-74 (1995)Random subspace method for multivariate feature selection., , и . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 27 (10): 1067-1076 (2006)Information processing for intelligent molecular diagnosis., , и . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 20 (11-13): 1457-1465 (1999)2D/3D Registration of Micro-CT Data to Multi-View Photographs Based on a 3D Distance Map., , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 987-990. IEEE, (2009)Detecting synonyms in social tagging systems to improve content retrieval., , и . SIGIR, стр. 739-740. ACM, (2008)Using Predictive Models to Engineer Biology: A Case Study in Codon Optimization., , и . PRIB, том 7986 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159-171. Springer, (2013)Dating and Authentication of Rembrandt's Etchings with the Help of Computational Intelligence., , и . ICHIM (1), стр. 485-492. Archives & Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, (2001)Information Fusion for Conflict Resolution in Map Interpretation., и . GREC, том 1389 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 231-242. Springer, (1997)A Fast and Robust Point Tracking Algorithm., , и . ICIP (3), стр. 653-657. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)