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A Matrix-in-matrix Neural Network for Image Super Resolution., , , , и . CoRR, (2019)Gradient magnitude similarity deviation on multiple scales for color image quality assessment., , и . ICASSP, стр. 1253-1257. IEEE, (2017)Real-Time Pose Estimation for Outdoor Mobile Robots Using Range Data., , , и . ICPR (2), стр. 593-596. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)3.2 A 320mW 32Gb/s 8b ADC-based PAM-4 analog front-end with programmable gain control and analog peaking in 28nm CMOS., , , , , , , , и . ISSCC, стр. 58-59. IEEE, (2016)29.2 A transmitter and receiver for 100Gb/s coherent networks with integrated 4×64GS/s 8b ADCs and DACs in 20nm CMOS., , , , , , , , , и 6 other автор(ы). ISSCC, стр. 484-485. IEEE, (2017)SATPlate: A Germany License Plate Detection Dataset and Baselines., , и . ICIP, стр. 3329-3333. IEEE, (2023)Foreground Object Search by Distilling Composite Image Feature., , и . ICCV, стр. 22929-22938. IEEE, (2023)Scalable Hierarchical Multipole Methods Using an Asynchronous Many-Tasking Runtime System., , и . IPDPS Workshops, стр. 1226-1234. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)A novel QoS routing protocol for LEO and MEO satellite networks., , и . Int. J. Satell. Commun. Netw., 25 (6): 603-617 (2007)Masked Autoencoders Are Robust Neural Architecture Search Learners., , и . CoRR, (2023)