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A collaborative tool to design the product/supply chain couple in a high-tech environment: application to an electromagnetic sensor., , , и . ICE/ITMC, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2019)Towards a carbon footprint analysis as an extended environmental indicator for roadside maintenance strategies: a multi-scale perspective., , , и . ICE/ITMC, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2023)Case study of digital innovation process improvement, using BPMN, case-based reasoning, and text mining., , , и . SITIS, стр. 322-329. IEEE, (2022)From product design to supply chain design: Which methodologies for the upstream stages of innovation? (De la conception de produit à la conception de filière: Quelles méthodologies pour les étapes amont de l'innovation?).. University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, (2018)Towards a Framework for the Classification of Digital Twins and their Applications., , , , и . ICE/ITMC, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2021)Observing innovation impacts on supply chain: the case of the Swatch., , и . ICE/ITMC, стр. 1-15. IEEE, (2016)Innovative product's supply chain: How to model it., , , и . ICE/ITMC, стр. 177-188. IEEE, (2017)The process of customer/supplier collaboration in innovation projects - A literature review., , , , и . ICE/ITMC, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2019)