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On caching search engine query results.. Comput. Commun., 24 (2): 137-143 (2001)REAPER: Real-time App Analysis for Augmenting the Android Permission System., , , , and . CODASPY, page 37-48. ACM, (2019)Emulation-Based Detection of Non-self-contained Polymorphic Shellcode., , and . RAID, volume 4637 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 87-106. Springer, (2007)The Long-Standing Privacy Debate: Mobile Websites vs Mobile Apps., , , , , and . WWW, page 153-162. ACM, (2017)Master of Web Puppets: Abusing Web Browsers for Persistent and Stealthy Computation., , , , , and . CoRR, (2018)Real-world polymorphic attack detection using network-level emulation., , and . CSIIRW, page 21:1-21:3. ACM, (2008)User-Level DMA without Operating System Kernel Modification., and . HPCA, page 322-331. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Using Processor Affinity in Loop Scheduling on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors., and . SC, page 104-113. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Towards a Realistic Decentralized Naive Bayes with Differential Privacy., , , and . ICSBT/SECRYPT (Revised Selected Papers), volume 1849 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 98-121. Springer, (2022)Towards a decentralized infrastructure for data marketplaces: narrowing the gap between academia and industry., , , and . DE@CoNEXT, page 49-56. ACM, (2022)