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New Perspectives on the Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks, and . J. Atmos. Sci., 59 (6): 1041--1061 (Mar 1, 2002)The relationship between wind power, electricity demand and winter weather patterns in Great Britain, , , and . Environmental Research Letters, 12 (6): 064017+ (Jun 1, 2017)The Shape, Propagation and Mean-Flow Interaction of Large-Scale Weather Systems, , and . J. Atmos. Sci., 40 (7): 1595--1612 (Jul 1, 1983)The Steady Linear Response of a Spherical Atmosphere to Thermal and Orographic Forcing, and . Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 38 (6): 1179-1196 (1981)On the Existence of Storm-Tracks, and . Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47 (15): 1854-1864 (1990)Improving Climate Change Detection through Optimal Seasonal Averaging: The Case of the North Atlantic Jet and European Precipitation, , and . J. Climate, 28 (16): 6381--6397 (May 15, 2015)Skilful seasonal prediction of winter gas demand, , , , , , , and . Environmental Research Letters, (February 2019)Wave-Breaking Characteristics of Northern Hemisphere Winter Blocking: A Two-Dimensional Approach, , and . J. Climate, 26 (13): 4535--4549 (Jan 4, 2013)Fluid Dynamics of the Midlatitude Atmosphere, and . John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, (Sep 26, 2014)The Generation of Global Rotational Flow by Steady Idealized Tropical Divergence, and . J. Atmos. Sci., 45 (7): 1228--1251 (Apr 1, 1988)