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Towards Explainable Scientific Venue Recommendations, , and . (2021)cite arxiv:2109.11343.The social bookmark and publication management system bibsonomy, , , , , , and . The VLDB Journal, 19 (6): 849--875 (Dec 1, 2010)Reverse Pivoting in Conceptual Information Systems., and . ICCS, volume 2120 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 202-215. Springer, (2001)CEM - A Conceptual Email Manager., and . ICCS, volume 1867 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 438-452. Springer, (2000)Conceptual Structures Represented by Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis., , and . ICCS, volume 1640 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 423-441. Springer, (1999)Frequent and/or Durable? The Predictive Impact of Initial Face-to-Face Contacts on the Formation and Evolution of Developmental Peer Network Relationships, , , and . Psychology, ((In Press) 2018)Formal Concept Analysis.. Handbook on Ontologies, Springer, (2009)Structure and Consistency: Assessment of Social Bookmarking Communities, , , , and . Proceedings from Sunbelt XXXI, Trade Winds Beach Resort, (2011)On the Semantics of User Interaction in Social Media (Extended Abstract), , , and . Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track), Bamberg, Germany, University of Bamberg, (2013)Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences, , , , , , , and . it - Information Technology, (53)3:101--107, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, May 2011, (2011)