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The Online Tourism Industry - Measuring Success Factors, , и . World Automation Congress (WAC-2000), стр. n.a.. Maui, USA, (2000)Documents, Topics, and Authors: Text Mining of Online News., , и . CBI (1), стр. 405-413. IEEE, (2019)On the uncertainty of interdisciplinarity measurements due to incomplete bibliographic data., , и . Scientometrics, 107 (1): 213-232 (2016)An intelligent simulation model generator., , и . Simulation, 53 (2): 57-66 (1989)Qualitative reasoning - modeling and the generation of behavior.. Springer, (1994)Probabilistic Models in Qualitative Simulation., и . EUROCAST, том 763 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 331-346. Springer, (1993)A multiple-perspective analysis of doctoral interdisciplinarity., , и . ITHET, стр. 1-11. IEEE, (2016)Defining and measuring fairness in location recommendations., , и . LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL, стр. 6:1-6:8. ACM, (2019)Semantic inter-organizational performance analysis using the balanced scorecard methodology., , , и . MIPRO, стр. 1589-1594. IEEE, (2012)Digital Humanism and Norms in Recommender Systems., , , , и . NORMalize@RecSys, том 3639 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)