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Anypoint: Extensible Transport Switching on the Edge.

, , , and . USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, USENIX, (2003)

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SmartBridge: A scalable bridge architecture., , and . SIGCOMM, page 205-216. ACM, (2000)Interposed Request Routing for Scalable Network Storage., , and . OSDI, page 259-272. USENIX Association, (2000)Managing Energy and Server Resources in Hosting Centres., , , , and . SOSP, page 103-116. ACM, (2001)Operating System Review 35(5).Cheating the I/O Bottleneck: Network Storage with Trapeze/Myrinet., , , , , and . USENIX ATC, USENIX Association, (1998)Interposed request routing for scalable network storage., , and . ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 20 (1): 25-48 (2002)Anypoint: Extensible Transport Switching on the Edge., , , and . USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, USENIX, (2003)A Case for Buffer Servers., , and . Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, page 82-89. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Failure-Atomic File Access in an Interposed Network Storage System., and . HPDC, page 157-164. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Potentials and Limitations of Fault-Based Markov Prefetching for Virtual Memory Pages., , , , , and . SIGMETRICS, page 206-207. ACM, (1999)