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Multicast performance bounds exploiting cooperative Physical Layer Network Coding., , and . CAMAD, page 135-139. IEEE, (2012)Weighted proportional fairness and pricing based resource allocation for uplink offloading using IP flow mobility., , and . Ad Hoc Networks, (2016)Extracting the Most Discriminant Subset from a Pool of Candidates to Optimize Discriminant Classifier Training., , , and . ISMIS, volume 2871 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 640-645. Springer, (2003)Reflection Based Mobile Replication.. ECOOP Workshops, volume 1543 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 323-324. Springer, (1998)Data Mining for Grammatical Inference with Bioinformatics Criteria., , , , and . HAIS (2), volume 6077 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 53-60. Springer, (2010)A RADARSAT-2 Quad-Polarized Time Series for Monitoring Crop and Soil Conditions in Barrax, Spain., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 50 (4): 1057-1070 (2012)Energy-efficient user association in cognitive heterogeneous networks., , , and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 52 (7): 22-29 (2014)Distributed point coordination function for IEEE 802.11 wireless ad hoc networks., , , , and . Ad Hoc Networks, 10 (3): 536-551 (2012)CooPNC: A cooperative multicast protocol exploiting physical layer network coding., , and . Ad Hoc Networks, (2014)A Cloud-Assisted Random Linear Network Coding Medium Access Control Protocol for Healthcare Applications., , , and . Sensors, 14 (3): 4806-4830 (2014)