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A Textural Analysis by Mathematical Morphology., и . ISMM, том 5 из Computational Imaging and Vision, стр. 297-304. Kluwer, (1996)Semantic Information Fusion Algebraic Framework Applied to Content Marketing., , и . FUSION, стр. 2338-2345. IEEE, (2018)A Constraint Optimization Framework for Mapping a Digital Signal Processing Application onto a Parallel Architecture., , , , и . CP, том 2239 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 701-715. Springer, (2001)Négociation multilatérale et multidimensionnelle d'agents coopératifs. application à la gestion de crise., , , и . JFSMA, стр. 181-190. Cepadues Editions, (2007)Reasoning Engine for Support Maintenance., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). ISWC (2), том 12507 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 515-530. Springer, (2020)ML System Engineering Supported by a Body of Knowledge., , , , , и . KMIS, стр. 331-338. SCITEPRESS, (2024)Minimal Generator Basis of a Finite Structural Opening.. ISMM, том 2 из Computational Imaging and Vision, стр. 61-68. Kluwer, (1994)An interoperable reconstruction and recovery decision support tool for complex crises situations., , , , и . SoSE, стр. 525-530. IEEE, (2012)Empowering Adaptive Human Autonomy Collaboration with Artificial Intelligence., , , , , и . SOSE, стр. 126-131. IEEE, (2021)Body-of-Knowledge development by using Artificial Intelligence., , , и . SoSE, стр. 14-19. IEEE, (2022)