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A note on a linear time algorithm for constructing adjacency graphs of 3D FEA data., и . Vis. Comput., 12 (9): 445-450 (1996)A bisection method for systems of nonlinear equations., , и . ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 10 (4): 367-377 (1984)Data compression method for tetrahedral meshes., и . Visualization and Data Analysis, том 4665 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 134-141. SPIE, (2002)Parallel Visualization of 3D Finite Element Analysis Data., и . PPSC, стр. 808-813. SIAM, (1995)Fast Algorithms for Visualizing Fluid Motion in Steady Flow on Unstructured Grids., , и . IEEE Visualization, стр. 313. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1995)Handbook of Numerical Analysis. Volume 1: Finite Difference Methods (Part 1) and Solution of Equations in Rn (Part 1) (P. G. Ciarlet and J L. Lions, eds.).. SIAM Rev., 34 (1): 143-146 (1992)An out-of-core method for computing connectivities of large unstructured meshes., и . EGPGV, том 29 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 97-103. Eurographics Association, (2002)A Distributed Solution and Visualization for 3D Flow Simulation., и . PPSC, стр. 287-294. SIAM, (1991)