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Route Planning for Bicycles - Exact Constrained Shortest Paths Made Practical via Contraction Hierarchy.. ICAPS, AAAI, (2012)Sensible edge weight rounding for realistic path planning.. SIGSPATIAL/GIS, стр. 89-98. ACM, (2018)Quick and energy-efficient routes: computing constrained shortest paths for electric vehicles.. CTS@SIGSPATIAL, стр. 20-25. ACM, (2012)Approximation Algorithms in the Successive Hitting Set Model.. ISAAC, том 9472 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 453-464. Springer, (2015)Puzzling Grid Embeddings., и . ALENEX, стр. 94-105. SIAM, (2020)Polyline Simplification under the Local Fréchet Distance has Subcubic Complexity, и . Proc. 38th Europ. Workshop Comput. Geom. (EuroCG'22), стр. 18:1--7. (2022)Bounds and Algorithms for Geodetic Hulls.. CALDAM, том 13179 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 181-194. Springer, (2022)On the generalized fréchet distance and its applications., и . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, стр. 35:1-35:10. ACM, (2022)Parameterized Upper Bounds for Path-Consistent Hub Labeling., и . IWOCA, том 14764 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 446-459. Springer, (2024)Convexity Hierarchies in Grid Networks., , и . ICAPS, стр. 52-60. AAAI Press, (2023)