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Analysis and control of the bifurcation of Hodgkin-Huxley model, , и . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 31 (1): 247--256 (января 2007)Chaos control and synchronization of two neurons exposed to ELF external electric field, , и . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 34 (3): 839--850 (ноября 2007)Two-parameters Hopf bifurcation in the Hodgkin-Huxley model, , и . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 23 (3): 973--980 (февраля 2005)Multi-parameter Hopf-bifurcation in Hodgkin-Huxley model exposed to ELF external electric field, , , и . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 26 (4): 1221--1229 (ноября 2005)A Model of Competitive Stock Trading Volume. Journal of Political Economy, 102 (1): 127 (01.01.1994)doi: 10.1086/261924.Differential information and dynamic behavior of stock trading volume, и . NBER working paper series Nat. Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1995)Delay-induced multiple vibrational resonance in the bi-fan neuronal network motifs., , и . BMEI, стр. 288-296. IEEE, (2014)Poster: A multi-path routing algorithm for deep space communication., , , и . ChinaCom, стр. 640-641. IEEE, (2014)Supervised Network-Based Fuzzy Learning of EEG Signals for Alzheimer's Disease Identification., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 28 (1): 60-71 (2020)Synchrony analysis using different cross-entropy measures of the electroencephalograph activity in Alzheimer's disease., , , , и . CISP-BMEI, стр. 1541-1545. IEEE, (2016)