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A secret key encryption scheme based on 1-level QC-LDPC lattices., , , и . ISCISC, стр. 20-25. IEEE, (2016)A secure attribute based keyword search scheme against keyword guessing attack., , , и . IST, стр. 124-128. IEEE, (2016)An Ultra-Lightweight RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol., , , и . ISCISC, стр. 27-32. IEEE, (2019)A Practical and Secure Lattice-based Scheme for Full-Duplex Gaussian One-Way Relay Channels., и . ISCISC, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2018)An efficient secure channel coding scheme based on polar codes., , и . ISC Int. J. Inf. Secur., 9 (2): 111-118 (2017)A Lightweight Anonymous Authentication Protocol For IoT Wireless Sensor Networks., , , и . ISCISC, стр. 39-44. IEEE, (2019)Reducing the key length of mceliece cryptosystem using polar codes., , , и . ISCISC, стр. 104-108. IEEE, (2014)On Relaxation of Simon's Algorithm., и . ISCISC, стр. 50-56. IEEE, (2021)A Joint Encryption, Channel Coding and Modulation Scheme Using QC-LDPC Lattice-Codes., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Commun., 68 (8): 4673-4693 (2020)An Efficient Post-Quantum Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme Based on Rank Metric Codes for Cloud Computing., и . IEEE Access, (2023)