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Psycho-social Happenings in Mediated Environments.. Eurographics (Short Presentations), Eurographics Association, (1999)Merging Realities: Psychosocial Happenings - A World on Stage.. IV, стр. 413-423. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Human factors in virtual world design (panel): psychological and sociological considerations., , , , и . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, стр. 192-194. ACM, (1998)Creative Performance: Does The Computer Retard Artistic Development?. IV, стр. 621-627. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Case study 309.. SIGGRAPH Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, стр. 30. ACM, (1998)CASE STUDY 118.. SIGGRAPH Visual Proceedings, стр. 39. ACM, (1997)Experiential computer art., , , , и . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, стр. 142-143. ACM, (1999)Case study 9983 & 9983-B.. SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, стр. 208. ACM, (2007)