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A study of queueing networks with deterministic service and applications to computer networks., и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 230-240. ACM, (1976)Analytical Models for QoS-driven VNF Placement and Provisioning in Wireless Carrier Cloud., , и . MSWiM, стр. 148-155. ACM, (2016)Fair Time Sharing Protocol: A Solution for IEEE 802.11b Hot Spots., , , и . ICT, том 3124 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1261-1266. Springer, (2004)Autonomic position-based QoS routing protocol for mobile wireless networks with a cross-layerarchitecture., , , и . Med-Hoc-Net, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2010)DiffServ PBAC Design with Optimization Method., , , , и . IPOM, том 4786 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 73-84. Springer, (2007)A Simple ATM Switching Architecture for Broadband-ISDN and Its Performance., , и . Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks, том C-15 из IFIP Transactions, стр. 361-371. North-Holland, (1993)Multi-Object Video Rate Control., и . Net-Con, том 261 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 191-202. Kluwer, (2003)Service Level Agreement in Optical Networks., , , , , , и . Net-Con, том 261 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 225-237. Kluwer, (2003)On Selecting Nodes to Improve Estimated Positions., , , и . MWCN, том 162 из IFIP, стр. 449-460. Kluwer/Springer, (2004)Morphware Networks.. NOF, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2016)