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Play as You Like: Timbre-Enhanced Multi-Modal Music Style Transfer.

, , , , and . AAAI, page 1061-1068. AAAI Press, (2019)

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Timbre-enhanced Multi-modal Music Style Transfer with Domain Balance Loss., , , , and . TAAI, page 102-107. IEEE, (2020)Delay-dependent robust H∞ Filtering for Interval Systems with State delays., , and . Control. Intell. Syst., (2006)Robust stabilization of uncertain stochastic time-delay systems-an LMI-based approach., , , and . CDC, page 668-669. IEEE, (2002)An LMI approach for robust stability of linear uncertain systems with time-varying multiple state delays., , and . CDC, page 1507-1508. IEEE, (2000)An LMI approach to design performance robustness for linear uncertain time-delay systems., , and . ACC, page 4012-4013. IEEE, (2001)Design of delay-range-dependent state estimators for discrete-time recurrent neural networks with interval time-varying delay., , and . ACC, page 4209-4213. IEEE, (2008)Robust H∞ control for uncertain nonlinear stochastic neutral systems with state delays., , and . SMC, page 3164-3169. IEEE, (2003)14.4 A Fully Digital Current Sensor Offering Per-Core Runtime Power for System Budgeting in a 4nm-Plus Octa-Core CPU., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). ISSCC, page 260-262. IEEE, (2024)A Delay-Range-Dependent Approach to Design State Estimator for Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks With Interval Time-Varying Delay.. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 55-II (11): 1163-1167 (2008)A Delay-Dependent Approach to Passivity Analysis for Uncertain Neural Networks with Time-varying Delay., , , , and . Neural Processing Letters, 27 (3): 237-246 (2008)