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Lifted First-Order Probabilistic Inference, , и . Introduction to Statistical Relational Learning, M.I.T. Press, (2007)A Computer-in-the-Loop Approach for Detecting Bullies in the Classroom., , , и . SBP, том 7227 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 139-146. Springer, (2012)Building Knowledge about Buildings., и . AAAI Fall Symposium: Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition, том FS-06-06 из AAAI Technical Report, стр. 98-101. AAAI Press, (2006)Identifying Bullies with a Computer Game., , , и . AAAI, стр. 1592-1598. AAAI Press, (2012)Reasoning about Partially Observed Actions., , и . AAAI, стр. 888-893. AAAI Press, (2006)Lifted Inference on Transitive Relations., , и . StarAI@AAAI, том WS-13-16 из AAAI Technical Report, AAAI, (2013)Lifted Inference for Relational Continuous Models., , и . StarAI@AAAI, том WS-10-06 из AAAI Technical Report, AAAI, (2010)Adaptive game for reducing aggressive behavior., , и . IUI Companion, стр. 21-24. ACM, (2013)Pointwise Circumscription Revisited.. KR, стр. 202-211. Morgan Kaufmann, (1998)Partition-Based Logical Reasoning., и . KR, стр. 389-400. Morgan Kaufmann, (2000)