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Fractal Gene Regulatory Networks for Robust Locomotion Control of Modular Robots., , , , и . SAB, том 6226 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 544-554. Springer, (2010)Playful Interaction with Voice Sensing Modular Robots., , , , и . ICSR, том 8239 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 180-189. Springer, (2013)A distributed and morphology-independent strategy for adaptive locomotion in self-reconfigurable modular robots, , и . Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61 (9): 1021 - 1035 (2013)Self-reconfiguration of modular underwater robots using an energy heuristic., , , и . IROS, стр. 6277-6284. IEEE, (2017)Playte, a tangible interface for engaging human-robot interaction., , и . RO-MAN, стр. 56-62. IEEE, (2014)Fault-tolerant gait learning and morphology optimization of a polymorphic walking robot., , и . Evol. Syst., 5 (1): 21-32 (2014)A unified simulator for Self-Reconfigurable Robots., , , и . IROS, стр. 870-876. IEEE, (2008)Experiments on Fault-Tolerant Self-Reconfiguration and Emergent Self-Repair.. ALIFE, стр. 355-361. IEEE, (2007)Anatomy-based organization of modular robots., и . ICRA, стр. 3141-3148. IEEE, (2008)Spatial Computing with Labels., , , и . SASO Workshops, стр. 326-331. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)