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An Empirical Investigation of the Electronic Classroom., и . PACIS, стр. 35. AISeL, (1997)Group Support Systems: A Cornucopia of Research Opportunities., , , , и . HICSS (1), стр. 495-504. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Satisfaction Attainment Theory as a Model for Value Creation., , и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Measuring the Effectiveness of Collaboration Technology: Minitrack Introduction., и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)An Investigation of Meeting Satisfaction in GSS and FTF Meetings.. HICSS, стр. 44. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Introduction to the Cognitive Perspectives on Collaboration Minitrack., и . HICSS, стр. 77. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Social loafing in electronic brainstorming: invoking social comparison through technology and facilitation techniques to improve group productivity., , , и . HICSS (4), стр. 523-532. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Technology Supported Learning - Introduction., , , и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (1999)The Electronic Classroom on Fire: Why it happens, and how to put out the flames., , , и . HICSS (2), стр. 639-647. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)An Investigation of the Influence of National Culture and Group Support Systems on Group Processes and Outcomes., и . HICSS, стр. 42. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)