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Using Self-similarity to Adapt Evolutionary Ensembles for the Distributed Classification of Data Streams., and . IJCCI (ICEC), page 176-181. SciTePress, (2010)Improving Induction Decision Trees with Parallel Genetic Programming., , and . PDP, page 181-18. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)FlockStream: A Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Clustering Evolving Data Streams., , and . ICTAI, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)A Data Analytics Schema for Activity Recognition in Smart Home Environments., , , , and . UCAmI, volume 9454 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 91-102. Springer, (2015)Leveraging distributed AI for multi-occupancy prediction in Cognitive Buildings., , , , , , , and . Internet Things, (2024)Dissemination of Information with Fair Load Distribution in Self-organizing Grids., , and . ANTS Conference, volume 5217 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 291-298. Springer, (2008)Ensemble Techniques for Parallel Genetic Programming Based Classifiers., , and . EuroGP, volume 2610 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 59-69. Springer, (2003)Swarm-Based Distributed Clustering in Peer-to-Peer Systems., , and . Artificial Evolution, volume 3871 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 37-48. Springer, (2005)Antares: an Ant-Inspired P2P Information System for a Self-Structured Grid., , and . BIONETICS, page 151-158. ICST / IEEE, (2007)Balancing Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort with Deep Reinforcement Learning., , , , , and . ICHMS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)