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Performance of Wireless Heterogeneous Networks with Always-best-connected Users., , и . NGI, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2009)Authentication Optimization for Seamless Handovers., , и . Integrated Network Management, стр. 829-832. IEEE, (2007)When Game Theory Meets VANET's Security and Privacy., , и . MoMM, стр. 292-297. ACM, (2016)Middleware for multi-interfaces management through profiles handling., , , и . MOBILWARE, том 278 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 8. (2008)Context-aware delivery of video content to mobile users., , и . Mobility Conference, ACM, (2009)Efficient header compression implementation for IP-based ITS communications., , и . ITST, стр. 780-784. IEEE, (2012)Optimising TCP over cognitive radio networks for trains., , и . ITST, стр. 678-682. IEEE, (2012)Network-controlled mobility within radio access networks based onWLAN technologies., , , , и . Ann. des Télécommunications, 58 (3-4): 369-396 (2003)A cooperative approach to avoiding obstacles and collisions between autonomous industrial vehicles in a simulation platform., , , , , и . Integr. Comput. Aided Eng., 30 (1): 19-40 (2023)Access control in IoT environments: Feasible scenarios., , , , и . ANT/SEIT, том 130 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 1031-1036. Elsevier, (2018)