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MUDABlue: An Automatic Categorization System for Open Source Repositories.

, , , and . APSEC, page 184-193. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)

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Revision control system using delta script of syntax tree., , and . SCM, page 133-149. ACM, (2005)Principles of software evolution: 5th international workshop on principles of software evolution (IWPSE 2002)., , and . ICSE, page 657-658. ACM, (2002)Button Selection for General GUIs Using Eye and Hand Together., , , , and . Advanced Visual Interfaces, page 270-273. ACM Press, (2000)Distributed Process Management System Based on Object-Centered Process Modeling., , , and . WWCA, volume 1368 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 108-119. Springer, (1998)How are Developers Treating License Inconsistency Issues? A Case Study on License Inconsistency Evolution in FOSS Projects., , , and . OSS, volume 496 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 69-79. (2017)ARIES: refactoring support tool for code clone., , , and . WoSQ@ICSE, page 53-56. ACM, (2005)An effective method to control interrupt handler for data race detection., , , , and . AST, page 79-86. ACM, (2010)A Practical Method for Watermarking Java Programs., , , , and . COMPSAC, page 191-197. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Software ingredients: detection of third-party component reuse in Java software release., , , , and . MSR, page 339-350. ACM, (2016)A Method to Detect License Inconsistencies in Large-Scale Open Source Projects., , , , and . MSR, page 324-333. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)