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Mobile Activity Recognition through Training Labels with Inaccurate Activity Segments., , and . MobiQuitous, page 57-64. ACM, (2016)Benchmarking 'Radio Exercises' recognition with a three-axis accelerometer., , and . SMC, page 41-45. IEEE, (2011)Experiment for nursing activity analysis using mobile sensors and proximity sensors., , , , , , , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 153-156. ACM, (2015)PerMML: A Performance Metric for Multi-layer Dataset., , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 285-290. ACM, (2021)A Multi-Sensor Setting Activity Recognition Simulation Tool., , , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 1444-1448. ACM, (2018)Evolving health consultancy by predictive caravan health sensing in developing countries., , , , , , and . UbiComp Adjunct, page 1225-1232. ACM, (2014)Toward the Analysis of Office Workers' Mental Indicators Based on Wearable, Work Activity, and Weather Data., , , , , and . ABC, volume 291 of Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, page 1-26. Springer, (2021)Deep recurrent neural network for mobile human activity recognition with high throughput., , and . Artif. Life Robotics, 23 (2): 173-185 (2018)Improving Noise Robustness of Single Sensor Data in Human Activity Recognition With UMAP and Additional Data., , and . ISWC, page 109-111. ACM, (2022)Visualization for Activity Information Sharing System Using Self-Organizing Map., , and . BWCCA, page 537-542. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)