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The analysis of household surveys

. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, Md. u.a., 3. printing edition, (2000)

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The Demand for Food and Calories, and . Journal of Political Economy, 104 (1): 133 (Jan 1, 1996)doi: 10.1086/262020.Saving and Liquidity Constraints. Econometrica, 59 (5): 1221-1248 (September 1991)Panel data from time series of cross-sections. Journal of Econometrics, 30 (1-2): 109 - 126 (1985)Handbook of Econometrics. Volume 3, chapter Chapter 30 Demand analysis, page 1767--1839. Elsevier, (1986)Intertemporal Choice and Inequality, and . Journal of Political Economy, 102 (3): 437 (Jan 1, 1994)doi: 10.1086/261941.Economies of Scale, Household Size, and the Demand for Food, and . Journal of Political Economy, 106 (5): 897--930 (274 10 1998)doi: 10.1086/250035.An explicit solution to an optimal tax problem. Journal of Public Economics, 20 (3): 333--346 (April 1983)Economics and consumer behavior, and . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge u.a., (1980)Economics and consumer behavior, and . Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., Reprinted edition, (1998)Estimation of own- and cross-price elasticities from household survey data. Journal of Econometrics, 36 (1-2): 7--30 (00 1987)