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Infrastructure developments for agile virtual enterprises., , and . Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 16 (4&5): 235-254 (2003)A System Dynamics and Agent-Based Approach to Model Emotions in Collaborative Networks., and . DoCEIS, volume 499 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 29-43. (2017)Open Services Ecosystem Supporting Collaborative Networks., , and . BASYS, volume 322 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 80-91. Springer, (2010)Electronic Negotiation Support Environment in Collaborative Networks., and . DoCEIS, volume 372 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 21-32. Springer, (2012)Collaborative Networks., and . PROLAMAT, volume 207 of IFIP, page 26-40. Springer, (2006)A Collaboration Readiness Assessment Approach., and . BASYS, volume 266 of IFIP, page 77-86. Springer, (2008)Agreement Negotiation Support in VO Creation., , and . Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks, volume 283 of IFIP, page 107-118. Springer, (2008)Learning failure recovery knowledge for mechanical assembly., and . IROS, page 712-719. IEEE, (1996)A Collaborative Dimension for Renewable Energy Communities., and . DoCEIS, volume 678 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 19-37. Springer, (2023)A Model of Evolution of a Collaborative Business Ecosystem Influenced by Performance Indicators., and . PRO-VE, volume 568 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 245-258. Springer, (2019)