Author of the publication

Anatomic Hepatectomy Planning through Mobile Display Visualization and Interaction.

, , , and . MMVR, volume 173 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 111-115. IOS Press, (2012)

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Anatomic Hepatectomy Planning through Mobile Display Visualization and Interaction., , , and . MMVR, volume 173 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 111-115. IOS Press, (2012)Content format and quality of experience in virtual reality., , , , , , and . Multim. Tools Appl., 83 (15): 46481-46506 (May 2024)Disambiguation Canvas: A Precise Selection Technique for Virtual Environments., , , , and . INTERACT (3), volume 8119 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 388-405. Springer, (2013)Characterizing Asymmetric Collaborative Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Realities., , and . VR, page 127-135. IEEE, (2019)Collaborative manipulation of 3D virtual objects in augmented reality scenarios using mobile devices., , , , and . 3DUI, page 264-265. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Towards a disambiguation canvas., , , , and . VR, page 113-114. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Design and Evaluation of a Handheld-based 3D User Interface for Collaborative Object Manipulation., , , and . CHI, page 5881-5891. ACM, (2017)A Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Reaching Targets from EEG Images., , , , , , , and . SIBGRAPI, page 178-184. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Augmented Reality Visualization of Joint Movements for Physical Examination and Rehabilitation., , , , and . VR, page 537-538. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Collaborative 3D manipulation using mobile phones., , , , and . 3DUI, page 279-280. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)