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Semiretracts--a counterexample and some results., , и . Theor. Comput. Sci., 307 (1): 117-127 (2003)The Caravan of Communication and Its Multiple Histories, , , и . Advancing Communication Science: Merging Mass and Interpersonal Processes, Sage, Newbury Park, CA, (1988)Philosophies and Philosophic Issues in Communication, 1995–2004, и . Journal of Communication, 54 (4): 589--615 (2004)Distinctive Features, Categorical Perception and Probability Learning: Some Applications of a Neural Model, , , и . Psychological Review, (1977)Cognitive Capabilities of a Parallel System. Disordered Systems and Biological Organization, Springer, Berlin; New York, (1986)An Introduction to Neural Networks. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1995)Concepts in Connectionist Models, и . Neural Networks for Computing, American Institute of Physics, New York, (1986)Learning arithmetic with a neural network: Seven times seven is about fifty. глава 7, стр. 255--300. The MIT Press, Cambridge. MA, (1998)The Ersatz Brain Project: A brain-like computer architecture for cognition.. ICCI*CC, стр. 1. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)The Ersatz Brain Project: Neural Inspiration, Cognitive Application., и . IJCNN, стр. 411-418. IEEE, (2006)