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Local Group Delay Based Vibrato and Tremolo Suppression for Onset Detection., и . ISMIR, стр. 361-366. (2013)Polyphonic piano note transcription with recurrent neural networks., и . ICASSP, стр. 121-124. IEEE, (2012)Deep Polyphonic ADSR Piano Note Transcription., , и . ICASSP, стр. 246-250. IEEE, (2019)A low-latency, real-time-capable singing voice detection method with LSTM recurrent neural networks., , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 21-25. IEEE, (2015)Accurate Tempo Estimation Based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Resonating Comb Filters., , и . ISMIR, стр. 625-631. (2015)Universal Onset Detection with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks., , , и . ISMIR, стр. 589-594. International Society for Music Information Retrieval, (2010)Fast Identification of Piece and Score Position via Symbolic Fingerprinting., , и . ISMIR, стр. 433-438. FEUP Edições, (2012)Erstellung von Fichten- und Kiefernanteilskarten auf Basis von Satellitendaten für Bayern, , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). Der gepixelte Wald - Reloaded, том 214 из Forstliche Forschungsberichte, стр. 19-32. (декабря 2015)LWF Projekte.On the Importance of "Real" Audio Data for MIR Algorithm Evaluation at the Note-Level - A Comparative Study., , и . ISMIR, стр. 543-548. University of Miami, (2011)Investigating the Similarity Space of Music Artists on the Micro-Blogosphere., , и . ISMIR, стр. 323-328. University of Miami, (2011)