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Task Decomposition Through Competition in a Modular Connectionist Architecture: The What and Where in Vision Tasks, , и . 90-27. Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, (1990)Increased Rates of Convergence Through Learning Rate Adaptation. 87-117. Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, (1987)Bayesian learning theory applied to human cognition, и . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Cognitive Science, 2 (1): 8--21 (2011)Supervised Learning and Divide-and-Conquer: A Statistical Approach., и . ICML, стр. 159-166. Morgan Kaufmann, (1993)Visual Development and the Acquisition of Motion Velocity Sensitivities., и . Neural Comput., 15 (4): 761-781 (2003)Developmental Constraints Aid the Acquisition of Binocular Disparity Sensitivities., и . Neural Comput., 15 (1): 161-182 (2003)Behavioral Shaping for Geometric Concepts., , и . J. Mach. Learn. Res., (2007)Task Decompostiion Through Competition in a Modular Connectionist Architecture: The What and Where Vision Tasks., , и . Machine Learning: From Theory to Applications, том 661 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 175-202. Springer, (1993)Hierarchies of Adaptive Experts., и . NIPS, стр. 985-992. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Visual Development and the Acquisition of Binocular Disparity Sensitivities., и . ICML, стр. 114-121. Morgan Kaufmann, (2001)